Learn the Lingo
Are you currious to learn more about what we teach and why? Most career fields have a language of their own and sometimes half the battle of learning details about that field is gaining an understanding of the terms and abbreviations professionals use.
HTML (HyperText Markup Language) is the most basic building block of the Web. It describes and defines the content of a webpage along with the basic layout of the webpage.
Cascading Style Sheets, fondly referred to as CSS, is a markup language responsible for making web pages fun, colorful, and presentable.
JavaScript is the most widely deployed language in the world. It is used in everything from interactive websites, corporate infustructure, and game development.
This language is a feature enhancer for JavaScript which focuses on bringing more structure and organization to the way we write JavaScript.
Remember the good old days of DOS? If not owell this tool allows us to issue specific operations performed by the operating system.
GIT is a solution which allows many developers to work on the same project without getting in each others way.
This is an awesome service that makes working with GIT easier. Also it's the largest open source library on the web.
Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform runtime environment for developing server-side Web Applications. Although Node.js is not a JavaScript framework, many of its basic modules are written in JavaScript, and developers can write new modules in Javascript.
Written and maintained by Microsoft this is a coding language that Enterprises trust. The coding practices this lanaguage enforces provides a solid base and structure for any application.
DotNet is a framework for C# which unlocks many of the most common problems developers face. Also it runs on Windows, Mac, and Linux! We love it!
A NoSQL document database, MongoDB is a perfect storage solution for many web applications.
Google's Database-as-a-Service, Firbase simplyfies the need for server-side code.
The Gold Standard when it comes to Databases, This spreadsheet like storage system is amazing, incredibly performant and is an absolute must for all developers. Also it's pronounced Sequel.
One of the most popular JavaScript Frameworks VueJS handles several of the less important tasks of application development which frees you up to stay focused on complex problems.
Google's version of VueJS, this framework provides structure and primarily uses Typescript.
Like Angular and Vue this is another JavaScript Framework created and used by Facebook.
A JavaScript library that makes several aspects of programming more predicatable.
A Microsoft service for deploying applications to the internet.
Just like Azure but made by Amazon. Most of the web is running on AWS.
This is a System Administrators dream come true. Docker makes it easy to create virtual environments with all the necessary components to run your application.
Agile and Scrum are work methodologies that provide guidance and structure to development teams trying to complete projects.
We may be a bit biased This Integrated Developer Environment (IDE) has all the bells and whistles that any developer could ever want. Mainly it's purpose is to make finding bugs in your code easier.
The slimed down bare necessities only of Visual Studio. This lighweight IDE is the perfect place to start coding any project, any language.
Our most favorite Game Development Engine. Unity uses C# and is the engine on which most of the games on your phone were made.